Spare and Rare
Flooring materials
Flooring Treasure is the premier rare flooring marketplace for selling and buying spare flooring materials.
Post your spare flooring on Flooring Treasure to get contractors who need it calling you.
Browse using our filtering options to find the exact kind of wood you need. Filter using species, cut, dimensions and more!
Contact anyone who's posted a listing to make the deal. You never purchase wood from us, but instead from real people or companies.
Use our search functionality to find what you're looking for. Simply type everything you know and we'll find it!
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Flooring Treasure is a tool and community for contractors to get flooring they need for projects from other contractors, retailers, and distributors.
Browsers can browse the site for Flooring, and make offers to Posters. Posters can do anything a Browser can, but can additionally post Flooring products to site